Store Event: Custom Christmas Card Signing by Satwinder Sehmi
Want to give your loved ones a card this Christmas with a little added flair?
Join us next Thursday (15/12/22) In-Store between 5-7pm and have your card custom signed by the award winning calligrapher Satwinder Sehmi (aka @thechicsikh_ ).
Who is Satwinder Sehmi?

Satwinder Sehmi is a London based calligrapher with an international reputation. Author of 'Calligraphy - The Rhythm of Writing', a highly acclaimed teaching and reference book. From his work on permanent display in the British Library to presenting work to Nelson Mandela, Sehmi has also worked on many commercial projects - most notably for the Marvel film 'Dr Strange' where Sehmi wrote in ancient Tibetan Sanskrit for the 'Hero Book' and writing mantras on the temple walls.